AI Ethics & Compliance

Human-Centred Design

AI solutions are furthering the cause of humanity in ways we couldn't have dreamt of even 10 years ago, however, for all of the good they can bring they have the potential to bring out the worst of human nature.

The regulations and approach for AI Ethics and Compliance are immature and developing, however standards and principles are emerging, and cover all areas of concern. These need to be incorporated into your organisations's thinking right from the beginning

EmpathAIs has a range of services to help you understand the key principles, establish your core approach and build your end-end AI Ethics & Compliance Policies to ensure you are building a compliant, accountable and responsible AI environment

Ethics & Compliance Training & Workshops

A Range of in-person and Virtual training and workshops to help your organisation take those first steps with AI Governance

Ethics & Compliance Assessments

Is your organisation ready for AI? How mature is your existing IT governance provision? What should your priorities be?